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Location: Singapore

A kid trapped in an aging body...

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


The latest initiative that our helpful Government is dishing out to us meek citizens, banning smoking in practically all areas, can only be a good thing. If it ain't, why else would the Gov be embracing it in the first place right?! Chey! Such simple logic! Duh!

For those still waiting for a reason to quit, this is as good a time as any. Just imagine, you'll get to have more $$$ to spend on Toys (substitute that with any other stuff YOU fancy), your skin will become better, your breath won't stink as much, your health improves, you don't have to worry about getting caught when you next dump that butt on the floor, etc, etc... I've seen and known many hard core smokers who have kicked the habit permanently, so I'm slapping BULLSHIT right onto any of your 1,001 excuses...
By the way, my neighbour smokes like, 50 cigarettes a day... maybe that's why he's a retard...

Do not belittle Smokers, condemn Cigarettes instead

I've sent my camera to Nikon @ Shriro House this afternoon. Apparently the problem is not serious enough to qualify it into a piece of junk. Sob...
The idea of owning a D50 has etched itself so firmly into the back of my mind that I don't wanna end up with anything less!

Gee, is it 1800 already?! I gotta get ready for my upcoming operation! I need to slip off from harbour by 2300! Let's hope for peace in the region. Amen to that.


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